Computerised information management system for official controls

The European Commission has to set up and manage a computerised information management system for official controls (IMSOC) to manage, handle and automatically exchange data, information and documents in relation to official controls. The IMSOC should integrate and upgrade as necessary certain information systems managed by the Commission and act as an interoperability schema connecting them and, in certain cases, also existing national systems of the Member States and information systems of third countries and international organisations (‘other systems’).

The European Commission intends to publish a new delegated Regulation and an amendment for the Imsoc Regulation. The text of these proposals is not yet available. Both Regulations are expected to be adopted in the fourth quarter of 2023. If the new Regulations are adopted, they are expected to come into effect on March 3, 2025.

The new Delegated Act and the amendment to the Imsoc Regulation are necessary to enable Member States to request notification of the arrival of certain goods that are not subject to public control at a border inspection post. This will be done through TRACES, where a new format of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED) will be created. This format will be referred to as N.

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